Sunday, July 15, 2012

7º número da revista mailinda do mundo

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  1. Não conhecia a revista, conheci no , mas fiquei fã! Parabéns! :)

  2. É mesmo a mailinda do mundo !!! Parabéns, adorei.

  3. Invitation - In
    I'm Brazilian.
    Spent reading here, and visit his blog.
    I also have one, only much simpler.
    I'm inviting you to visit me, and if possible follow together for them and with them. I always liked to write, expose and share my ideas with people, regardless of class Social, Religious Creed, the Sexual Orientation, or, of Ethnicity.
    To me, what will interest is our exchange of ideas, and, thoughts.
    I'm there in my space Simpleton, waiting for you.
    And I'm already following your blog.
    Strength, Peace, Friendship and Happiness
    For you, a hug from Brazil.


Licença Creative Commons
A Sul de Nenhum Norte by Nuno Abrantes & Maria Sousa is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Proibição de realização de Obras Derivadas 3.0 Unported License